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Christmas Lottery number 07150 is now available

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 27/10/2022  > 20/12/2022

Christmas Lottery number 07150 is now available

We have already taken the necessary steps to buy our lottery tickets. This year the number is 07150. We will continue with online sales this year, as we have done in previous editions, but they will be made through a different channel.

Find out how to buy your tickets below:
– The link to access the sales platform directly is:
– Once inside, you can start buying without having to enter a code. To do this, you must register as a customer using the form that will appear. If you already have an account from last year, it is not necessary to open another one.
– Payment must be made by credit/debit card.
– As they are virtual tickets, they will always remain in the safekeeping of the administration.
– The sale will close on 20 December 2022 if the reserved numbers are not sold out before then.

Good luck!