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Improvements to the packed lunch areas

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 18/05/2023  > 18/06/2023

Improvements to the packed lunch areas

We would like to share with you a series of actions that we have implemented with the aim of improving and increasing the packed lunch areas for users of the Park.

  • Torre R: inauguration of a new multi-purpose room that doubles the capacity of the previous one.
  • Clúster 1 terrace space: improvement of the decked terrace and a 26% increase of places for users.
  • Hèlix Patio: incorporation of new tables and chairs that increase the capacity of the space by 73%. We will also add several microwaves to the area soon.
  • In all the areas: the frequency of the cleaning shifts of the spaces and microwaves have been increased, and the operation and communication of incidents have been improved.

The Park currently has a total of 8 spaces prepared as packed lunch areas, with a capacity of 400 places representing an increase of 33% in places compared with last year.

We are very happy to continue advancing in our goal of making constant improvements to the common spaces for both users and clients.

You can view the prepared packed lunch spaces on the website.