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New audio-visual equipment in the Fèlix Serratosa room

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Nou equipament audiovisual a l’Aula Fèlix Serratosa
 12/01/2023  > 19/01/2023

New audio-visual equipment in the Fèlix Serratosa room

Throughout December 2022, works to improve the audio-visual equipment of the Fèlix Serratosa room have been carried out. Its sound system has been improved with the installation and better distribution of new speakers and new microphone equipment and sound board have been incorporated. In addition, the lighting has been improved for better image quality when the room is used for streaming events. All the equipment is synchronised and adjusted to host events. For this reason, we ask that you do not touch the sound board.

If you need help, do not hesitate to contact our audio-visual technician ( or reception (