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Yoga classes now open for new registrations (April-July 2024)

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 13/03/2024  > 09/07/2024

Yoga classes now open for new registrations (April-July 2024)

Looking to sign up for yoga classes? We are now accepting new registrations for the second quarter of 2024! The new classes will start on 8 April and run until 8 July. If you signed up in January, you don’t need to sign up again – just let the instructor know that you want to continue in their class.

There will be two classes in the Dolors Aleu Hall every Monday, one in the morning from 8 to 9 a.m. and one in the evening from 6 to 7 p.m. The price is €40/quarter.

As a reminder, if a PCB company needs the room, it will be given priority.

Sign up here (again, if you signed up in January, you don’t need to do so now).