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Javier Coma wins the “Film-History” prize for the best research work of 2005

By 1 de February de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Javier Coma wins the “Film-History” prize for the best research work of 2005

The book Diccionario de la caza de brujas. Las listas negras en Hollywood, by the essayist and film historian Javier Coma, has been awarded the 23rd "Film-History" prize for the best research work of 2005. The jury of the of the Universitat de Barcelona(UB), located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, unanimously voted for this study for its "rigorous treatment of such a specialised field".

Born in Barcelona in 1939 and a graduate in Law from the UB, Javier Coma is one of the leading writers on the film industry in Spain, together with Romà Gubern, who wrote the prologue for the book. Javier Coma has published more than 40 books over the last thirty years. A specialist in classic Hollywood, he has also written books on crime and suspense and comics. In 2005 he published another key book called: “La ficció bèl·lica. Grans novel·les americanes (i les seves versions cinematogràfiques)”.

In his new book, “Diccionario de la caza de brujas”, the author addresses the MacCarthism phenomenon, which arose in the United States during the so-called red scare during the Cold War. His documented research provides a thorough analysis of more than five hundred public figures, treated with historiographic rigour.

In this book, Coma returns to the encyclopaedic formulae which have made him one of the most prestigious authors on film research. Part of his studies have been devoted to the analysis of western, thriller, adventure, or romance productions, among other film genera.