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Meteosim in partnership with the company AWS-Truewind will set up a subsidiary company devoted to renewable energy

By 4 de October de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Meteosim in partnership with the company AWS-Truewind will set up a subsidiary company devoted to renewable energy

, a spin-off from the Dept. of Astronomy and Meteorology of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB, University of Barcelona), is to develop a subsidiary enterprise with AWS-TrueWind, a leading North American company in energy consultancy. With the establishment of this new subsidiary, Meteosim TrueWind seek to promote the international commercialisation of their products and services in the rest of Europe and also central and southern America and Asia. Meteosim forecasts that it will close the present tax year with a turnover of more than one million euros, thus achieving the objectives established in 2003, the year in which the company was founded. AWS-TrueWind and Meteosim project to exceed a turnover of 10 million euros by 2009.

Established by researchers with the Dept. of Astronomy and Meteorology of the UB, Meteosim seeks to provide applications and services derived from numerical calculations of weather forecasts. According to the president of the company, Bernat Codina, “in the three years Meteosim has been operating, we have demonstrated that investing in quality meteorology is cost effective for the so-called “meteorologically sensitive” enterprises, that is to say, those for which weather forecasts are crucial for the activities of the business”.

Through the commercial names of MesoMap, to calculate the wind resources at high resolution in extensive areas; SiteWind, a micrositing service that allows the propsecting of wind resources for the set up of wind turbines; Sitescreening, for the identification of promising areas for the development of wind projects in extensive regions; and Ewind, to forecast power production in wind farms, Meteosim has a consolidated portfolio of clients. Among these, the following are highlighted: Iberdrola, Gamesa Energia, Shell Wind Energy, Comsa Medioambiente, Establecimientos Industriales y Servicios, Eoliatec, Global Energias Renovables and the Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, among many others.

Furthermore, Meteosim is currently working on the study and design of 20 wind parks and in recent months has performed climatic studies on wind in almost all regions of Spain: Catalonia, Galicia, Cantabria, Extremadura, Castilla la Mancha, Murcia, Andalusia, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands; and at European level in countries such as Italy, France, UK, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria; on the American continent in countries such as Ecuador and Mexico and in Asia, in China and Turkey.

In addition, Meteosim is a member of wind energy associations such as the Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE), Eoliccat and EWEA, and attends the main energy fairs such as the Energy Congress, Power Expo Zaragoza and the European Wind Energy Conference, which will be held next year in Rome.