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More than 70 European researchers participate in nanobioengineering summer schools at the PCB

By 14 de June de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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More than 70 European researchers participate in nanobioengineering summer schools at the PCB

From 13 to 15 June, the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) will host two summer schools for young investigators developing their research within the European projects and , carried out at the Catalan Reference Centre for Bionengineering (CREBEC). These courses will provide more than 50 students the opportunity to learn on a group basis and to exchange ideas and techniques used in the basic and applied research undertaken in the projects they are developing.

The courses include several scientific conferences related to the projects as well as other presentations on issues such as ethics, gender equality and the management and exploitation of scientific results. Furthermore, a number of workshops will be held on state-of-the-art experimental techniques of relevance for the development of these projects at the facilities of the PCB’s and the (CREBEC).

One of the priority lines of Nanotechnology in the VI European Framework Programme, CellPROM (Cell Programming by Nanoscaled Devices) is the largest integrated project in nanobiotechnology, involving 27 research groups and enterprises from twelve countries. By applying nanotechnology, this project seeks to develop the procedures and devices necessary to externally induce the diferentiation of adult stem cells that have been extracted from a patient for therapeutic purposes. In addition, CellPROM will contribute to the development of the technology required by hospitals in order to apply the so-called regenerative medicine using stem cells.

The Research Training Network of the Marie Curie mobility programme called BioPolySurf comprises a dozen research groups from eight European countries. This initiative aims to train young researchers in the design, characterization and production of polymeric material with special surface properties that allow this material to interact in an intelligent manner in biological systems.