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Round table on medical research bioethics in developing countries

By 14 de September de 2007November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Round table on medical research bioethics in developing countries

On Wednesday 19 September the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) organized the round table "Medical research in developing countries: ethical issues ". This debate involved a group of international authorities in this field.

This round table session addressed several unresolved ethical issues that hold back research initiatives or future activities in these countries. In addition, this session covered the introduction of changes into the , a statement of ethical principles that is currently being updated.

The participants in this session included the following: Harald Schmidt, deputy director of the ; Tom Murray, director of the ; Josep Ma Gatell, head of infectious diseases and AIDS at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona</i); and Maria Jesús Buxó, full professor of Cultural Anthropology Cultural at the Universitat de Barcelona and member of the Observatory on Bioethics and Law, located at the PCB, who will act as chairperson.

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