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Seventh BioEmprenedorXXI call for proposals now open

By 5 de May de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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El programa formatiu BioEmprenedorXXI celebra enguany la seva setena edició. - Foto: © BioEmprenedorXXI

Seventh BioEmprenedorXXI call for proposals now open

Biocat, "la Caixa" and Barcelona Activa have launched the seventh edition of BioEmprenedorXXI, a comprehensive training, consultancy and support program for the creation and growth of technology companies in the field of life sciences. At the end of the program, the BioEmprenedorXXI awards for best business project and the two finalists will be presented to the winners. These awards consist of a cash prize and a package of actions for the incubation, acceleration, and internationalization of the project. Furthermore, the three winning companies will enjoy for a year the status of associated company to the Parc Cientific de Barcelona. The deadline for registration is June 1.

The call is open to graduates, researchers, university professors, doctors and entrepreneurs with a business idea or a company in the early phase of development based on proprietary technology, and who wish to explore their entrepreneurial skills to create and set up their idea or company, either as a spin-off of their institution or independently. A panel of experts will select among all applications those projects with the greatest potential to participate in the program.

BioEmprendedorXXI has a duration of 6 months and provides participants specific training activities for entrepreneurs, guidance and advice for the development of a network of contacts in the industry and a customized feasibility of the business plan or idea. I-mentoring support will also be provided on management skills and processes to access funding. The goal is that upon completion of the program, all participants profit from a set of tools and resources that facilitates both the creation and consolidation process of their business.

Throughout the six editions of the program, there have been more than 95 entrepreneurial initiatives, 51 of which are currently incorporated as a company and nine are in the process of incorporation.

BioEmprenedorXXI awards

The program BioEmprenedorXXI will conclude with competition of business plans in front of a panel of experts and representatives from the sponsoring organizations, icluding Jesus Purroy, Technical Director of Scientific Services and Technology at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona. A first prize winner and two finalists will be selected among all applications. The winner will obtain an economic endowment of 10,000 Euros and the opportunity to participate in Ignite Fast Track, an intensive training course to trail and prepare aspiring entrepreneurs, offered by the University of Cambridge, and the Biocápsules training program, offered by Biocat. The prize also incluses a 6- month stay free of charge at the Glories Business Incubator from Barcelona Activa. The first and second finalists will receive an economic endowment of 5,000 and 3,000 Euros, respectively.

The three winning projects will also participate in a trade fair, technology bridge or business assignment of reference in the sector to promote the internationalization of their project. They will also benefit from one full year of free access to the advantages and services offered by the Parc Cientific de Barcelona as associated company.