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The Barcelona Science Park takes part in Nanotexnology 2011

By 25 de July de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park takes part in Nanotexnology 2011

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has participated in Nanotexnology 2011 –which took place from the 11th through the 15th of July in Thessaloniki (Greece)– through the intervention of Alvaro Mata, head of the Nanotechnology platform of the PCB, who gave a lecture in the plenary session of the 8th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies held as part of the event.

Under the title “Botton-up and Top-down fabrication strategies for developing scaffolds for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine“, Alvaro Mata´s lecture focused on current analysis technique for the development of new biomaterials, tissue scaffolds and devices with the capacity to specifically communicate with biology at cellular and subcellular level for application in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Nanotexnology is one of the annual events which aims to explore opportunities within the field of nanotechnology and organic electronics and to promote research, industrial collaboration and the transfer of technological knowledge via the creation of networks and platforms that foster contact and the exchange of technological experience among participants.

In this edition, the gathering included the following events: the 4th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics; the 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies; the 5th International Summer School “N&N:Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine” and the1st Nanotexnology Expo.