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The Bioethics and Law Observatory analyses the dilemmas involved in medical communication

By 23 de July de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Bioethics and Law Observatory analyses the dilemmas involved in medical communication

The Bioethics and Law Observatory of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics of the UB have participated in the elaboration of the book titled Ethical Dilemmas and Agreements in Medical Communication, which analyses the relationships between the different agents who participate in medical communication, the dilemmas that arise from an ethical point of view and their possible resolution.

The responsibility of scientists towards the public when transmitting their knowledge or informing on their activity, the critical attitude that society must have in regards to news, the manner in which communication media present information on drugs and the matter of abortion or the use of assisted reproduction for embryo selection, as well as informative “manipulation” in biomedicine are some of the topics addressed in this collective work.

The work coordinated by Gemma Revuelta, from the Observatory of Scientific Communication (UPF), is included in the collection titled Bioethics and Law Materials, published by Civitas, under the direction of María Casado, holder of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics of the UB and director of the UB’s Bioethics and Law Observatory. The authors of this work include journalists specialised in scientific communication and physicians who are experts in preventative medicine and public health.

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