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The FBG opens a line of grants to add value to technological projects

By 20 de July de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The FBG opens a line of grants to add value to technological projects

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, located at the Barcelona Science Park, has opened a line of grants to subcontract activities that add value to technological projects. The beneficiaries will be technology-based companies that have existed for less than one year in the University of Barcelona (UB) setting, researchers and entrepreneurs from the UB with business initiatives in project phase. The deadline to submit applications is September 7 2010.

Fundable activities are those related with the protection of industrial property, legal consultancies –where the expenses of establishing the company are not fundable- and prototypes or concept testing. The payment will be made directly by the FBG to the entities proposed by the beneficiary and will amount to a maximum of 10,000 Euros, with the possibility that 100% of fundable activities will be covered.

The assessment of projects will be performed by a commission presided by the vice-rector of Innovation and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Barcelona. Once completed, the beneficiaries will have to submit a project report to the FBG indicating the activities performed and the results obtained.

For more information