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The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at ESOF2010

By 7 de July de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at ESOF2010

The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is holding its 2010 edition in Torino (Italy) from 2nd to 7th July. ESOF is an open platform for debate and communication for the science community and it aims at presenting Europe's leading research trends in science. IBEC is present at ESOF2010 with a session entitled "Regenerative medicine: the long winding road from promise to reality", a round table on bridging the gap from research and bedside in regenerative medicine. Four speakers will analyze the key challenges to be overcome to bring the promise of RegMed to the patients, followed by a debate with the audience.

The round table is chaired by IBEC´s director, prof. Josep A. Planell who will also introduce the scientific and technological challenges to be faced. Dr. Paul Kemp (from the British company Intercytex) will contribute his opinion regarding industry needs, regulatory framework and technology transfer. In addition, Prof. Richard Lilford (University of Birmingham) and Dr. Leen Tromelmans (Louvain Catholic University) will also participate, providing their expertise on health economics and ethical aspects, respectively. IBEC is the only Spanish organisation whose proposal for an activity has been accepted at ESOF2010. The session has also been selected to be broadcast live by WebESOF (Wednesday 7th July 2010).

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