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9 juliol 2024 @ 09:30 - 11:30

Automation of liquid handling for increased precision & reduced variability

Barcelona Science Park and Eppendorf organize an event to discuss automation of liquid handling for increased precision and reduced variability. Automation is in continuous evolution looking into facilitating transformation of protocols from manual into automated.

There is a wide array of devices available facilitating researchers from academia and private sectors the option to automate workflows specifically, such as paramagnetic bead based purification, or more open solutions to automate potentially different protocols or workflows.

During the event we would like to invite you to learn how automated liquid handling can be performed, and to challenge you to provide a solution in our session such as programming your protocol on our device (or part of the protocol).

Ask us how automated liquid handling could be implemented in your laboratory.


Parc Científic de Barcelona


Edifici Cluster II, Sala Dolors Aleu
Avinguda Dr. Marañón 6-8
Barcelona, Barcelona 08028
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