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19 abril 2024 @ 16:30 - 18:30

HeLa et al. A video essay by TESS MARSCHNER

“HeLa et al.” is the result of the creative process carried out by visual artist Tess Marschner during her artistic residency at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).

In her predominantly videographic and research-based works, she delves into the impact of scientific and theoretical knowledge on social dynamics. Her exploration focuses on feminist subjects, non-human entities and animal actors.

The video essay titled “HeLa et al.” serves as a contemplation on female and reproductive (parts of) bodies within techno-sciences: Henrietta Lacks’ immortal cell line, the cloned sheep Dolly, wombs, eggs and mice show up both as technical components of the scientific realm as well as entities that challenge the notion of the human, raising ethical considerations.

HeLa et al.” was developed during her Artistic Residency at IBEC 2023/24.

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19 abril 2024
16:30 - 18:30
Categoria d'Esdeveniment:
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IBEC – Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya


Edifici Cluster II, Sala Dolors Aleu
Avinguda Dr. Marañón 6-8
Barcelona, Barcelona 08028
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