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Experts in nanotechnology meet up in Barcelona to define strategic lines of research linked to the industrial sector

By 17 de June de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Experts in nanotechnology meet up in Barcelona to define strategic lines of research linked to the industrial sector

What do nanotechnologies offer the agro-food sector? Is it possible for a drug to act only on cancerous cells? How can nanometric devices contribute to the detection of landmines?

The Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park), the Madrid Science Park and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has organized the second meeting of the . To be held on 20 and 21 June, this forum seeks to orient Spanish research on nanotechnology towards applications that meet the needs of the business sector, and also to introduce this technology into industrial processes.

The sessions of the SNT32005, which will be held in the International Convention Centre of Barcelona, in the Forum precinct, will begin on Monday 20th June at 11.30 h with the presentation of a book that collects the conclusions drawn in the first SNT3 meeting, held last September. This year’s forum will include contributions from the rector of the Universitat de Barcelona Màrius Rubiralta; the director of the Interdepartmental Committee for Research and Technology Innovation (CIRIT), Marta Aymerich; and director of FECYT Study Programmes, José Manuel Báez.

During this forum, researchers from around Spain, representatives from the industrial and technological sectors, investors and public administration will come together to discuss how nanotechnology can contribute to driving progress in sectors such as biomedicine, energy, aerospace, electronics and agro-food.

The organization of the forum as a “think tank” allows the establishment of work teams in which nanotechnologists and representatives for the business sector exchange ideas with the aim to find solutions to meet the needs of the distinct industrial sectors. For example, in the last SNT3 meeting, the participants discussed how to achieve drug transport to specific targets. Following on, this year’s meeting aims to develop a research and development plan for the use of “nanoparticles” as drug transporters in the near future.

Among the invited speakers are: Antonio Correia, from the Fundació Phantoms (Spain); Michael Mason, from the Institute of Nanotechnology (UK); Stéphane Fontanell, director of the Observatory for Micro and Nano Technologies (France); and Wolfgang Luther from VDI Technologiezentrum (Germany). All from European countries with strong activity in nanotechnology, these speakers will explain the priority research lines of their countries, the involvement of their institutions, and the political initiatives that have been taken. The forum will also include the participation of representatives from large enterprises, such as Indra, Gas Natural and Nestlé, in addition to small and medium firms.