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IRB Barcelona and Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera kick off ‘Crazy about Biomedicine’

By 11 de January de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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IRB Barcelona and Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera kick off ‘Crazy about Biomedicine’

On Saturday 12 January, 24 students in Catalonia (16-17 years old) will begin the course 'Crazy about Biomedicine', an initiative organized by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation. IRB Barcelona director, Joan J. Guinovart, and the director of the Knowledge, Education and Research Division of the Foundation, Salvador Garcia, will welcome the students in an opening act that will be held at 10.00h in the emblematic building constructed by Gaudí that hosts the main offices of the Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation.

The students have been chosen from among 424 applications for the 24 places available. State, private and mixed-funded schools from all around Catalonia have participated in the call. The 24 students selected comprise 12 boys and 12 girls, mostly from the area around Barcelona.

As explained by Dr. Guinovart, “we are most satisfied with the response on the part of schools and with the fantastic level of motivation shown by the students; all of them are outstanding and we hope that through this course they go crazy about science. There is nothing better that to see and live things first-hand to promote passion for them”. For Salvador Garcia, “the “Crazy about Biomedicine” course is a good example of the activities promoted by newly founded Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation that seek to strengthen high level training in our country”.