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Kenneth Morse.

Ken Morse, one of the world’s leading experts on entrepreneurship, will give a lecture at Parc Científic de Barcelona

On 23 January, Kenneth Morse, an international leader in entrepreneurial training and accelerated business development, will give a conference at the Parc Cientifc de Barcelona (PCB) entitled Innovation Strategies for Ambitious Tech Companies'. The event, organized by MeteosimAWS TruepowerESADE  and Parc Cientific de Barcelona, will address the different approaches and key players of innovation strategies and profitability of technology-based companies to achieve success and will give recommendations to drive strategic and global sales plans.


Founder and director for 13 years (1996-2009) of the world’s largest entrepreneurs centers, MIT Entrepreneurship Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Kenneth Morse is currently a Visiting Professor at the Department of Strategy and General Management at the ESADE Business School and holds a Chair in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness at the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). He was appointed to the National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship by President Obama. 

Professor Morse is considered one of world´s most renowned serial entrepreneurs internationally and has played a key role in the launching of several business stakes in the high technology sector. Morse is also known for his internationally recognized expertise in the training of entrepreneurs and for turning innovation into a profitable business. He has been teaching the Entrepreneurial Skills Develop-ment workshops in Europe, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, New Zealand, Québec, and the US for more than 8 years.

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