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A total of 53 persons participated in the 16th Blood Donation Day at PCB (Photo: Daniel Portales, Barcelona Science Park).

More than 50 people participated in 17th Blood Donation Day at PCB

A total of 53 persons participated in the 16th Blood Donation Day held yesterday at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). Of these 53 participants, 11 were new donors and seven people who offered to donate their blood could not do so, leaving a final total number of 46 donations. The donation campaign was organized by the Banc de Sang i Teixits (Blood and Tissue Bank / BST) in collaboration with the Departament of Safety, Quality and Enviromental of PCB. Blood extractions were performed at the mobile unit that will be set up in front of the Clúster building.


In Catalonia, every day 1,000 donations are needed to cater for the needs of the hospitals and clinics in order to ensure quality  medical treatment.

The Banc de Sang i Teixits (Blood and Tissue Bank) is a public agency of the Catalan Department of Health whose mission is to guarantee the supply and proper use of human blood and tissue in Catalonia. It is also the leading centre in the field of immunodiagnostics and advanced therapy development. Has a team of 600 professionals working throughout Catalonia. To carry out these tasks, it relies on a network of blood collection  which includes 16 fixed centres located in major hospitals of the Catalan healthcare regions and 17 mobile units that make more than 80 outings weekly in towns and cities across Catalonia.

BST also developes independent research projects and work on others in cooperation with every centre pertaining to the Catalan Health Institute, with the majority of centres in the Network of Public-Access Hospitals and with Catalan universities, and we also pursue strategic alliances with research centres around the world.


• For further information: BST website [+]