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New meeting of the FBG on contract research

By 12 de April de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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New meeting of the FBG on contract research

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) –located at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona– is organizing the fifth edition of the meeting "Col· laborem?". The purpose of this meeting is to inform researchers and research groups in the field of humanities and social sciences which possibilities they have to bring their research to the market and society. This event will take place on May 8 at the Faculty of Geography and History of the UB.

This seminar will address the particularities of working for firms and institutions from the university as part of a collaborative research project and the support offered by the FBG. The aim is to encourage researchers to develop the relationship between University and Firm/Institution so as to improve the research and development of new knowledge applied to society