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The Barcelona Science Park delivers the Fotorecerca ’09 Awards

By 22 de December de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park delivers the Fotorecerca ’09 Awards

The awards ceremony of the 2nd Annual Fotorecerca contest, a photography contest launched by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) with the aim of presenting the research that is being carried out from an artistic perspective, was hold yesterday, Tuesday December 22.

This year’s winners were researchers Claudia Dei Negri from the company Eurofins Biolab, who won first prize with the photography of a yeast cell on top of a salt particle, titled “The world is mine!”, and Maria Marsal Terés from the Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC), who won second prize with the image of a zebra fish embryo, titled “Rainbow zebra fish”. The general director of the Barcelona Science Park, Fernando Albericio, personally handed out these awards.

A total of 36 images were submitted to this contest by staff members linked to research institutes, companies, technological platforms and other institutions located at the Barcelona Science Park, such as Oryzon Genomics, Omnia Molecular, Multicellgenome Lab, the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), the Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC), the CSIC-PCB Microscopy Service, the Nanotechnology Platform, the Platform for Research Applied on Laboratory Animals (PRAAL) and the Sabater Pi Documentation Centre.

Winners were selected by a multidisciplinary jury comprised of PCB institutional representatives and specialists in scientific communication, graphic design and photography, who pre-selected seven images. Winners were chosen from this group of finalists by means of a vote which resulted in unanimous agreement. Originality, artistic and technical quality, visual impact and scientific content were assessed in the selection of the winners.

Jury members were: the general director of the PCB, Fernando Albericio; the managing director of the PCB, Roser Artal; the Head of Communication and Institutional Relationships of the PCB, Mercè Gómez; the Head of Dissemination of Science, Rosina Malagrida; the coordinator of the Fotorecerca programme, Anna Calderer; the photographer Raimon Solà, and Joaquin Armisen, quality manager of AGFA who provided both prizes: two DMC cameras (models LX3 and TZ7).

All submitted and winning images can be seen on the plasma screen that is located in the reception area of the Cluster Building.