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The birth of the «Barcelona Global» association

By 6 de September de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The birth of the «Barcelona Global» association

The Barcelona Science Park, in collaboration with a series of organisations, entrepreneurs and professionals of the city of Barcelona, has created «Barcelona Global», a non-profit association constituted by a thinking platform of citizens with the objective of creating strategies and actions aimed at strengthening the links between society and the actual city, fostering transversality and outreach and improving the positioning and influence of Barcelona in the international ranking of cities in several different areas: economic competiveness, technological progress, research, innovation, social and territorial cohesion as well as internal and external projection of the city.

The «Barcelona Global» association was registered on 30 July 2010. Its main goals and objectives are to identify singularities and potentialities in the economic, social, educational, cultural and institutional sectors of the city and its metropolitan area as well as to foster whole thinking and encourage the debate of strategies and projects to contribute towards its development. The goals and objectives of «Barcelona Global» shall be attained by fostering the generation of clusters and by creating opportunities for suprasectoral and cross-sectional collaborations, by providing consultancy services regarding basic infrastructural aspects, without which the collaboration capacity between the private-public sector becomes fundamental; by supporting the Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Barcelona (PEMB) until its final approval, by ensuring that its spirit and ideas are honoured and preserved, and by issuing an annual report assessing the city´s situation and its international positioning, identifying any lacking areas, its strengths and also new future sectors.

The founders of this new association are willing to act putting their political ideas aside and feel committed to bring together business capacities and the talent of the city professionals. Many of the founders have taken part in the reflection process of the Prospective Commission of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Barcelona (PEMB) and all of them consider that the economic and social challenges of the city have to be faced by the shared leadership between the public and the private sectors with the task of finding new cooperation formulas.

«Barcelona Global» brings together individuals with the aim of favouring thinking, creativity, critical and positive criticism, and the attainment of results. Barcelona and its metropolitan area face new challenges in the next 10-15 years which will only be overcome if its civil society becomes actively involved. The citizens of Barcelona have always been one of the potentialities and singularities of the city. It is necessary to fight against the current disaffection that the citizens of Barcelona have fallen into and to regain their traditional high spirit of cooperation and involvement. The new role of our civil society must not only be that of a critical collaborator but also that of a supporter of institutions, encouraging proposals that reach beyond political or sectorial interests. Barcelona Global embraces people whose wish is to foster thinking, creativity, a critical and positive sense, as well as the attainment of results.