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The majority shareholders of Infinitec acquire the shares of BCN Emprèn

By 11 de January de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The majority shareholders of Infinitec acquire the shares of BCN Emprèn

The founders of Infinitec Activos –which is a part of the PCB-Santander Bioincubator of the Barcelona Science Park- and the Grau family have bought 18% of the shares that capital risk company BCN Empren held in the company. The ex-president of Catalana de Gas, Pere Grau, and his daughter, Elena Grau, have acquired 6% of shares, and increase their share stakes up to 9.33%. On their part, Alfonso Hidalgo and Josep Maria Borràs have recovered most of the capital of the biotech they both founded in 2004, and of which they presently control 56%.

Infinitec Actius focuses its activity on the synthesis of biomolecules (peptides) and release systems, based on the fundamental principles of nanoscience, for the cosmetic industry. At present, this biotech has shares held by both co-founding partners, by capital risk company Innova 31 (in which the Barcelona Science Park, the Polytechnical University of Catalonia, the Caixa d’Estalvis de Catalunya, Unión Interiores and EDM Holding have a share stake ) and by a group of private investors who are shareholders of 26% of the company””s shares. The Catalan biotech is based in countries such as the United States, France, China, Korea and Japan, via agreements with over 45 distributors.