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Esther Riambau, head of Business Creation Area of the FBG; Elizabet Romeu, CEO of Impetux, and M.Carmen Verdaguer, CEO of FBG (Photo: FBG).

The UB enters to the shareholding of the spin-off Impetux Optics

The University of Barcelona (UB) –through Innovative and Scientific Culture (CIC -UB), UB Group company dedicated to the management of investments in spin-off of the UB– entered in the shareholding of the spin-off Impetux Optics.The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) –based in the Barcelona Science Park– has supported this project by providing the path to commercialization.


Impetus Optics, which was established in 2012, develops instruments for measuring force optical tweezers. This technology alallows trap and move microscopic objects using a beam of light, the samples can be manipulated even within living cells without causing biological damage. This measurement essential since all applications of optical tweezers require quantitative results.

The project has been driven by Mario Montes, Professor of the Department of Applied Physics and Optics, Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona and director of the research group Optical Trapping Lab – Biophotonics Group (BiOPT). Also involved in this company Arnau Farré, Ferran Marsà i Elizabeth Romeu. Impetux grants obtained by ACCIÓ, the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, the MINECO, CDTI and BioEmprenedorXXI.

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) has supported this project by providing the path to commercialization in different aspects: first, the Valorisation and Licensing Area protected and valorized technology through in 2009 reached a Valtec of ACCIÓ, and a proof of concept Fund BKC of the FBG that was used for instrumental improvements and adaptability in the prototype testing and safety to present the extension of the patent. Moreover, the Business Creation Area of the FBG has advised the definition of the business plan of the company, while helping to attract financial resources for the creation and growth of the company.