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The XII edition of the Board of Trustees of the UB and the FBG awards is already open

The awards of the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation for the transfer of knowledge and the creation of innovative companies celebrate their twelfth edition. These awards aim to promote the return to society of the knowledge acquired through study and research, to stress the importance of technology, knowledge, and innovation transfer projects, and to foster the creation of innovative companies and entrepreneurial culture within the UB Group. The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation is the technology transfer office of the UB since 1983 and is based in the Barcelona Science Park.


The twelfth edition of the awards is already open in the two usual categories: the Antoni Caparrós prize for the best project in knowledge, technology, and innovation transfer, and the Senén Vilaró prize for the best innovative company developed by a UB graduate or linked to the UB Group. The deadline for submission of applications is 30 June.

In the category Antoni Caparrós, the jury may grant up to two awards taking into account the economic and social impact of the project. These impacts will be assessed based on factors such as the increased competitiveness of the target organizations, the dissemination, public engagement, and the benefits of the project for society in general.

The first edition of these awards was held in 2008, and the winners were the project “Simulation and modelling of gas sensors,” led by Dr. Albert Cirera, in the category of best knowledge transfer project, and Meteosim –located at PCB– as the best innovative company.

►The terms of the contest and the application forms can be found at: